Why git?

Why git?

Are you getting overwhelmed learning Git? You're not alone.

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Why git? Let's answer this question with a small real world example from my life.

I had started coding and making small websites for people around me along with a friend of mine. He would write the frontend and I would write the backend. We used server rendering, so our backend and frontend was inter-dependent and mixed.


We would save codes in our computers as website1.zip, website2.zip, website-draft1.zip, website-final.zip and so on, so if we ever break some functionality, we have a version that worked correctly. We did not have an idea how to properly manage it, or maybe even if we did, we were too overwhelmed to use it.


Then when we had written our own sets of code (backend and frontend), then it was time to integrate it, and it got worse. We were constantly sending over the websites in the mail to each other and waited for the other to make the changes to prevent different versions and it created a lot of clutter and confusion.

This process of saving snapshots of your code manually to have a history is called version control. And there is a very good tool for version controlling which handles most of the work. You guessed it, Git.

Git is an amazing open source version control tool, which is very widely used across the industry and knowing it is an essential skill to become a good software developer. Git very efficiently tracks all the changes you make to your codebase and allows you to visit previous versions if ever require them again. You can think of it as git keeping snapshots of your code at different times.

Git also makes collaborating with your friends/co-workers easier as it has tools to automatically merge code bases and allow you to resolve conflicts if any.

But, learning git can be quite overwhelming for beginners and that's why most people never really learn git before they start their job/internship. If you're one of them, don't worry. Just follow this blog series, and you'll be able to use Git efficiently in no time.

-> Next Part (Coming Soon)